Monday, September 18, 2006

a knight in shining armor or ?

Vanilla guy : I am so sorry
slave_deidre : for what?
Vanilla guy : reading your journal
slave_deidre : you're sorry for reading it?
Vanilla Guy : you deserve so much more out of life
Vanilla Guy : I feel so sad now
slave_deidre : well i'm sorry that you see it that way
slave_deidre : i'm not sure i understand why it's so sad.
Vanilla Guy : because I went back and read between the lines
slave_deidre : i didn't think that i wrote anything there.
Vanilla Guy : You wrote everything there
slave_deidre : oh. ok.
slave_deidre : i'm not sure what you are thinking you are reading between the lines, but there is nothing about my life to be sad about.
slave_deidre : what's sad is that there are so many people out there who look their entire lives for someone else to be complete with and they never find it.
Vanilla Guy : true..but you don't need someone else to be complete
slave_deidre : you do when you are a slave.
Vanilla Guy : I don't see you as a slave
slave_deidre : or when you are a Master
slave_deidre : then you don't see me.
Vanilla Guy : and I hope you don't take this the wrong way...
slave_deidre : of course not
Vanilla Guy : but I see you as someone who was manipulated and taken advantage of ... and I wish there was something I could do about it
slave_deidre : hmmmm.
slave_deidre : that's interesting.
slave_deidre : others have said the same thing
Vanilla Guy : I didn't feel that way until I read your journal
Vanilla Guy : I was glad that you were happy
slave_deidre : but i am still happy.
Vanilla Guy : I never read the details about what happened
slave_deidre : what happened with what?
Vanilla Guy : you were preyed upon
Vanilla Guy : you had no chance
slave_deidre : lol
Vanilla Guy : and it makes me sad
slave_deidre : now you are not only attacking my lifestyle CHOICE but my intelligence as well.
slave_deidre : just pointing that out. I'm not offended.
Vanilla Guy : I'm not attacking you...just pointing out what I read
Vanilla Guy : and I would bet you any reasonable amount of money that a professional therapist would agree with me
Vanilla Guy : I'm sorry
slave_deidre : don't be sorry.
slave_deidre : i'm not
Vanilla Guy : you deserve more
Vanilla Guy : so much more
slave_deidre : more than what? complete happiness? more than being loved by a wonderful man? more than having every single need met and just about every single one of my desires?
Vanilla Guy : I am going to have someone read your journal if you don't have any objections
slave_deidre : go for it.
slave_deidre : it's public
slave_deidre : and i am always welcoming of any opinion that is not presented negatively
slave_deidre : meaning - be nice even in criticism
Vanilla Guy : I know
Vanilla Guy : I just feel bad for you now
Vanilla Guy : I feel deep sorrow for you
slave_deidre : well you shouldn't
Vanilla Guy : deep sorrow
slave_deidre : what exactly did you read?
slave_deidre : which part of my diary?
Vanilla Guy : makes me wish I could just hold you
Vanilla Guy : the early times
slave_deidre : the early times?
slave_deidre : like before April of 04?
slave_deidre : I was very confused at that time.
Vanilla Guy : no comment
slave_deidre : ok then.
slave_deidre : well, i assure you that i don't need rescuing
slave_deidre : and i am perfectly happy
slave_deidre : but your concern is sweet
Vanilla Guy : my heart actually just makes me want to cry it hurts so bad
slave_deidre : i'm sorry honey.
slave_deidre : it shouldn't be hurting at all.
slave_deidre : i guess i just don't really understand why this is so heartbreaking for you.
Vanilla Guy : because I care about you
Vanilla Guy : you will always have a piece of my heart
slave_deidre : i understand that part.
slave_deidre : what i don't understand is why this new information, whatever it may be, is so hard for you.
Vanilla Guy : It gave me more info than I had before and made me see things in a different light
slave_deidre : evidently i just don't understand.
slave_deidre : oh well.
Vanilla Guy : I wish I could let you see what I see and the way I see it
slave_deidre : and i feel the same.
Vanilla Guy : Until tonight...I thought you were lucky to find Lee
slave_deidre : i am.
Vanilla Guy : I don't feel that way any longer

He really is just a nice guy, but deidre doesn’t understand where this need to rescue girls who are perfectly happy comes from. No signs of abuse are present. deidre is fairly healthy emotionally if you excuse the occasional loneliness that settles in when Master is away or brief depression episodes now and then that she works through. she certainly is healthy physically. why is it that some people just refuse to see that there really is nothing "between the lines"? deidre knows that these "knights in shining armor" will always be there waiting to "rescue" slaves and submissives, and there’s pretty much no point in trying to explain what should be obvious. It’s just so frustrating. deidre wishes they would all just take that desire to help and apply it to something or someone that really needs it.

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