Friday, August 25, 2006

Master's home... least for a few days. His trip home started with a call from His brother who had run out of gas on his way to work. Master, hero that He is, saved the day by taking a few gallons of gas to His brother and then followed him the rest of the way to His office before setting out on the trip.

Just before the Georgia border Master pulled into a gas station to fill up and realized that one of the tires on the car was flat. He slowly drove it over to the air/water machine and tried to fill it up but the air was coming out just as fast as it was going in. Evidently there was a problem with the valve stem. Luckily there was a tire store within a few miles and they were able to fix it and get Master back on the road quickly.

Off to one side of the road flies a huge Confederate Flag. Master has been meaning to stop and find out who is responsible for flying it for years, and finally decided that this time, since there was no slave, no dogs and no cats, He would. There was no direct road to the flag, and no buildings near, so Master stopped at the closest thing, which was the state farmer’s market. A very helpful woman at the farmer’s market headquarters was able to give Master some contact info.

Master basically wanted to thank them for flying the flag and remembering all of the brave Confederate solders who fought for what they believed in, fought for their own ideas, their lands, their homes. After speaking with the state representative it looks like Master may be interested in joining.

Now that deidre thinks about it, it isn’t something that is celebrated often. You hear of Veterans of W.W.I, W.W.II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War, but deidre has not heard a single time anyone celebrating those of the Confederate Army. Is that because they didn’t win? Weren’t they fighting for what they believed in just as much as those in the revolutionary war? They didn’t believe in their cause any less than anyone else who fights on their home turf. Perhaps deidre’s exposure is limited because she wasn’t born and raised in the south, and only has lived here for less than 3 years.

Anyway, that’s not the point of this entry. Finally Master made it home to His naked bowing slave right where deidre happens to feel He should ALWAYS be.

On Monday deidre will be going to Big Cat Rescue and she cannot wait! she is so incredibly excited!! she hopes that the weekend just flies by and Monday comes before she knows it. The only negative at the point is that Master’s digital camera is off in Canon’s fix-it-land and deidre highly doubts that it will arrive tomorrow so that she can take it with her. Master says that we can always buy some disposable cameras, but that’s just not the same. deidre can take thousands of pics with the digi-cam and easily get rid of any she doesn’t like.

deidre finally put up her reading list, and will be keeping it updated as much as possible. she’s slowly posting some of her poetry and prose as well. Eventually she plans to have it all here, even the horrible stuff. Feel free to comment if you like, but please try to be nice. If you don’t like it, just refrain from saying anything rude. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Just remember that these are little pieces that are taken from deidre’s heart and her soul, that they are not just words written in haste, but rather expressions of intense emotion.