Saturday, December 02, 2006

Anonymous Quote

Never put off till tomorrow what your slave can do today.

Domestic Incarceration

Other than in psychology journals requiring paid access, deidre found little to no information discussing the psychological effects of social withdrawal and/or domestic incarceration as it relates to consensual slavery so she can only relate her own experiences here.

deidre has found that over the past 3 years of her enslavement she has chosen to become more and more reclusive. she uses the word "chosen" because it’s self-imposed. While Master enjoys deidre’s desire to withdraw from society, directing even more of her focus toward Him, at first it concerned Him.

He and deidre both worried initially over her emotional and psychological well being. It’s become evident though that leaving her safe zone has more immediate negative effects than staying within.

deidre’s safe zone is more of a mental place than a physical one. While she is at home, with Master, serving and pleasing as she was meant to, with little to no disturbance from the outside or "vanilla" world she is her peak comfort zone.

If she’s outside of this house, but in a place where she is free to speak in 3rd person, free to refer to Him as Master, and free to be herself she generally feels just as comfortable. At that point the outside world still has little to no affect upon deidre’s behavior.

The discomfort begins to surface when there is a possibility of interaction with someone for whom deidre must pretend to be someone else. Walking the dogs down the street or going to the grocery store becomes stressful because deidre may be forced to speak with one of the neighbors beyond the usual polite greeting. deidre has nothing to say to them. There’s no common ground.

One would think that deidre worries about revealing bits of Our/our lifestyle as danaewhispering mentioned, but that is the least of this girl's concerns and certainly isn’t a cause of her avoidance behavior. Even if deidre’s slips weren’t rare, those who matter already know or suspect even if the subject is avoided and Master doesn’t really care enough about the rest for it to matter to deidre.

Technically it’s not a social anxiety disorder because the fear is not of being rejected or judged by others. It’s simply a desire or need to restrict contact to those from whom deidre receives no benefit and those who hinder rather than foster her submission.

As stressful as it is, social exposure is easily manageable in small doses up to as much as a day or sometimes two but the reaction become more extreme the longer deidre is forced into social situations. deidre becomes extremely irritable but with no way to express it. Gradually the tension builds up in deidre until she’s ready to explode. Simple things like being touched or the sounds of someone’s eating become even more unbearable than usual.

It’s for these reasons that deidre has decided it’s better for her to impose a form of domestic incarceration upon herself. In the past year she’s been away from home for periods longer than a few hours only twice. The first was her trip to see family in California and lasted 8 days. The second was this most recent trip to Orlando for Thanksgiving. deidre has been given the option 3 or 4 other times to accompany Master to Orlando, Atlanta, San Antonio etc, but has declined due to feeling more comfortable at home, even if it’s without Master.

One would think that this isolation would lead to loneliness. In fact that is one of the main worries with people who have become isolated due to health or disability. The only time deidre feels lonely though is when Master isn’t here, never when He is even if deidre hasn’t interacted with another person for days. Loneliness is defined as a subjective experience and is not synonymous with social isolation, which represents a lack of involvement in a social network.

An article earlier this month from The Belonging Initiative states that the following elements that lead to diminishing the feeling of loneliness:

*Opportunities to compare: Loneliness is diminished when people have a chance to compare their own pasts with other people’s.

*Sense of control: Loneliness is diminished when people have a sense of control of some aspect of their environment.

*Someone to confide in: Loneliness is diminished when people have a confidante.

Through both her interactions with Master and the internet deidre has every single one of those. When blogging she is able to compare her own life, past, present and future, to others much more easily than she would be able to do so in person and she is confiding with anyone who chooses to read with each entry. That’s why comments, even if they don’t seem to say anything meaningful are so important to deidre. They validate and confirm. she is able to control her own writing, her work, and how pleasing she is to Master.

Once the worries about loneliness, psychological health, and emotional health are out of the way what’s left but to enjoy being a happy slave girl serving her Master, devoting herself more and more to Him in a way that really is natural? Afterall, we are defined by our interactions with others. If a slave's only interaction is with her Master/Dom/Daddy then He and He alone defines her. He reshapes her into what He wishes her to be regardless of what she once was, making her even more pleasing to Him in the end.

tags: Domestic Incarceration, Social Isolation, Leaving the comfort zone, Social avoidance, Social withdrawal